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Air-Powered Hammer
You've never seen anything like this air-powered "palm nailer" that drives any size nail almost instantly with no trigger to pull and no danger of accidentally shooting a nail through the air, as with a commercial nail gun.
The Danair air hammer runs on just 80 to 100 psi to drive nails from 3 penny to 14-in. spikes. It applies over 1,000 rapid hammer blows per minute, or you can ad-just it to apply a single light hammer tap. You simply insert a nail into the magnetic, recessed end and touch it to the board. The upward pressure of the nail triggers the hammer, driving the nail almost instantly.
Different hammer ends are available for different size nails or jobs, including plastic ends for body work or similar jobs, rivet setters, roll and spring pin drivers, and piercing punchers Sells for $159. Other models available for special uses.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Danair Inc., 1150 East Acequia St., P.O. Box 3898, Visalia, Calif. 93278 (ph 209 734-1961; fax 209 734-1086).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #3