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Non-Profit Cart
Only about half of the farmers who walked by the "non-profit cart" at its first public showing could guess what it's for.
How about you? Before reading further, take a look at the photo. What do you suppose the non-profit cart is for?
If you're a hog producer, you probably had no trouble figuring out that it's a dead pig carrier, designed to move large, heavy dead sows, boars or barrows out of crates, stalls, pens or wherever. "We think it might have some other uses, such as toting bags of feed or bales of bedding," Jack DeVos, general manager of Delphi Products, told FARM SHOW.
The company's new non-profit cart is equipped with a winch and 5116 in. cable for use in loading dead carcasses up to 700 lbs. onto the cart. You slip the cable on the animal's snout or head. As the cable is winched up, it slides the cart under the animal. "You keep cranking until the animal's weight is balanced on the back wheels," explains DeVos.
The frame is made of 1 in. pipe. The 6 in. dia. wheels are equipped with ball bearings for easy, one-man portability of heavy loads up to 700 lbs.
Sells for $100, fob, complete with wheels and rubber tires.
For more details, contact; FARM SHOW Followup, Delphi Products Co., Delphi, Ind. 46923 (ph. 303-572-3752).

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1978 - Volume #2, Issue #3