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Pedal Tractor Collection
"It's one of the biggest pedal tractor collections anywhere," says Stuart Deal, Zion, Ill. Stuart and his wife Helen started collecting pedal tractors five or six years ago. They now have over 300 and are looking for more.
Deal buys the tractors at toy shows, auctions, flea markets, or through newspaper ads. Included in his collection are Deere, Allis-Chalmers, International, Case, Ford, Oliver, Massey Harris, Massey Ferguson, Minneapolis Moline, and other miscellaneous models.
"Pedal tractors were first produced in the late 1940's. One of my favorites is a cast-in rear hub International M. It's one of the oldest pedal tractors and is very rare. I'm also proud of my Ford 900 which I found about a year ago. They were only made for a short while by Eska company. Ford never marketed them. Only two are still known to exist. The hubs were cast right into the body which often caused them to break off.
"Another of my favorites is an original Massey 44 that was made about 1947. It was one of the first pedal tractors ever made. However, no one seems to know who made it.
"One tractor that I'd like to have is a Coffin Block Deere A. It was a prototype of the first Deere pedal tractor ever built, but it never made it into mass production. One recently sold for $20,000 at an auction. A reproduction model is on the market.
"We have restored some of our pedal tractors, but you have to be careful to maintain it as an authentic original so it won't be confused with a reproduction."
Deal has produced a series of three video tapes that show in detail how to restore various pedal tractor models including proper decal placement, paint schemes, and parts including the correct pedals, seat, wheels, tires, etc. One video covers Deere and Allis-Chalmers, one IH and Case, and one Ford, Oliver, MasseyHarris, Massey
Ferguson, Minneapolis Moline, and other miscellaneous models. Each video sells for $19.95 (plus $4.00 S&H).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stuart Deal, 2500 Sheridan Road, Suite 206, Zion, Ill. 60099 (ph 708 244-7746).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #3