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Go-Anywhere Tankless Water Heaters
PrecisionTemp developed the first electronically-controlled tankless heater and the first for RVs in 1996.
“Their size and technology lend them to numerous uses, including horse trailers, tiny houses, RVs, outbuildings, and in barns,” says Kay Anderson of PrecisionTemp.
PrecisionTemp offers water heaters that vent from the bottom, the side, or even one that top vents if they want to use it on a gooseneck trailer. “PrecisionTemp water heaters also have applications in dairy barns,” she says. They can run on propane or natural gas.
Weighing in at about 25 pounds, they’re easy to install. They’re about 1 cu. ft. in size, using 12-volt battery power for ignition and temperature control. Turn on the water, and the burner ignites. Turn off the water, and the burner turns off, wasting no energy.
PrecisionTemp heaters are the only tankless heaters built in America.
The company also offers TwinTemp heaters that provide on-demand hot water and hydronic space heat in one compact unit. Tankless heaters are available on the company website.
Pricing varies by unit. The RV-550 EC Tankless Water Heaters retail for $1,290. The TwinTemp heaters that provide both endless hot water and hydronic heat start at $4,275.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kay Anderson, PrecisionTemp, 3428 Hauck Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45241 (ph 800-934-9690, ext. 102; KAnderson@precisiontemp.com; www.precisiontemp.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #2