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Double-Hinged Gate Opens From Either End
“This double-hinged gate makes directing livestock where you want them to go an easier job,” says E.J. Zook, CK Mfg., Lancaster, Pa. “For example, if the gate leads to 2 different alleys going in opposite directions, you can easily swing the gate open toward either alley.”
Both sides of the gate are equipped with a long vertical metal hinge with a movable bar attached to it. The bar moves up or down by turning a handle mounted on the gate. “Turning the handle one way causes the bolt to poke up through a hole in a U-shaped metal bracket mounted on the gate post, which latches the gate shut,” says E.J.
The gate can be made anywhere from 4 to 16 ft. wide.
Prices range from $394 for a 48-in. high by 4-ft. wide gate to $655 for a 16-ft. model.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, CK Mfg., LLC, 330 Millwood Rd., Lancaster, Pa. 17603 (ph 717 464-2166; sales@ckmanufacturing.com; www.ckmanufacturing.com).

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #2