2016 - Volume #BFS, Issue #16, Page #79
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Big Outside Boiler Burns 9-Ft. Logs
If you’re tired of cutting and splitting firewood - and you need a LOT of firewood - check out this top loading wood boiler built by Tom Lubbers, Hudsonville, Mich. The 12,500-lb. unit has a firebox that holds up to 1 3/4 cords of wood in chunks up to 9 ft. long.
  Many of Lubbers’ customers have waste wood to burn, such as at a pallet plant, for example. Other boiler buyers include farmers who burn crop residue or switchgrass that they grow specifically for fuel.
  Most of the 150 units he has sold throughout the U.S. and into Canada have gone to industrial customers that burn 25 to 150 cords of wood a year. At $47,000, the boiler can efficiently heat a 30,000 sq. ft. greenhouse or 100,000 sq. ft. insulated building. The boiler needs to be filled about every 12 hrs. to heat large spaces. But Lubbers says one load in his boiler can go 3 or 4 days heating his home, a greenhouse and two shops. For some operations a load of wood lasts up to 12 days.
  Electronic controls monitor the exhaust and amount of air needed to maintain a steady heat (plus or minus 10 degrees) so no heat is wasted. Email alerts can be sent out for refueling, and the system can be checked via computer or phone.
  Besides saving money on heating costs, Lubbers and his customers appreciate how easy it is to use with the boiler’s remote-controlled hydraulic lid.
  “Drive up with logs on the loader, push a button to open the lid, drop in the logs and push the button for the lid to go down,” Lubbers says.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, The Log Boiler, Tom Lubbers, 4308 Quincy St., Hudsonville, Mich. 49426 (ph 616 916-0900; www.thelogboiler.com; tom@thelogboiler.com).

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2016 - Volume #BFS, Issue #16