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Simple Simon Soil Sampler
Once they’ve used the Simple Simon Soil Sampler, soil testers never want to use anything else, says Mike Machek about his patented invention. His manually controlled device has advantages over other more automated systems.
    “You manually control how fast you take the sample,” he says. “You can go fast in good conditions. If the ground is frozen or dry you take your time.”
    Simple Simon uses a carbide tip auger, which breaks up dirt clods for a better sample. It runs off a 12-volt electric motor and has adjustable depth settings from 4 to 10 in.
    Made of stainless steel, the soil sampler mounts on the side of 4-wheelers. Machek also offers a sampler that fits on a UTV. Customers mount it in a variety of ways, from using zip ties to building receivers and brackets.
    “You never have to get off,” he says. Lift the arm to start the motor and push the auger to the depth you want. Take as many cores as you want and dump them in a bag for testing.
    Machek has sold the soil sampler to professional testers and farmers all across the U.S.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Precision Ag Resources, Inc., 27 Gail Rd., Willard, N.C. 28478 (ph 800 899-5502; www.simplesoilsampler.com; precisionag1@juno.com).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #3