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He installed A Movie Camera Inside His Calving Barn
A video camera installed inside his calving barn lets Pierre Delorme, Sylvania, Sask., watch his cows from the comfort of his home.
Delorme used coaxial cable to connect an Ikegami camera in the barn to a television in his home 450 ft. away, allowing him and his family to watch cows that are calving with-out having to walk to the barn.
"The camera has saved us many trips to the calving barn and has saved many calves' lives," says Delorme. "You can check the barn every half hour and still be 10 min. too late to save a calf if its nose is covered by afterbirth. With the camera we can see the problem right away."
To keep the camera working in extremely cold weather, Delorme converted an old electric hand drill case into a housing for the camera. His mother then made a quilt-like batting that insulates the camera inside the case. "With the heat naturally given off by the camera unit and the insulated case, we've had no problems with the camera."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pierre Delorme, Box 37, Sylvania, Sask., Canada S0E IS0 (ph 306 873-5768).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #6