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Tube-Type Skunk Trap
You can catch skunks alive without getting sprayed with this "Skunker" trap from D & D Traps. It can also be used to live-trap raccoons, cats, possums, squirrels and rats.

    It's a 7-in. dia. aluminum tube that's 36 in. long and weighs 8 1/2 lbs.

    "We got the idea after observing that skunks were using old flood irrigation pipe as dens," says inventor Darren Batman.

    A door at one end of the trap has a spring-action trip mechanism that shuts and locks when a critter kicks a trigger while going for the bait. The other door has a reflective circle on it so you can check it from a distance with a flashlight.

    Because the trap has solid sides, skunks can't spray or scratch you. They can be released live in another location or disposed of according to state regulations.

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, D&D Traps, 17503 Eleven Rd., Ingalls, Kansas 67853 (ph 620 335-5252; retsupt@twinvalley.net).

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2006 - Volume #30, Issue #2