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Chainsaw Router Strips Bark, Sharpens Posts
"It doubles the usefulness of your chainsaw," says Rick Heyland, Lethbridge, Alberta about his new add-on "router" attachment that turns any chainsaw into a hand-held bark stripper and post sharpener.
The "Log Wizard" fastens to the end of any chainsaw, no matter what the length of bar or width of teeth. It fastens to the bar with two bolts (you have to drill two holes). The cutting chain loops over the unit's open sprocket, which requires a chain that's one size larger than the saw. For example, if you've got a saw with a 16-in. blade, you'll need an 18-in. chain.
Once installed, you can still use the saw to cut wood but you lose use of the tip.
"It works great for building fence because you can strip bark and sharpen posts in just seconds and also use it to cut saddle notches in crossbars," explains Heyland.
The cutter teeth, which can be adjusted in or out for cutting depth, need to be replaced approximately every 100 hrs. of use. Heyland notes that the bigger the saw you mount it on, the more power it has. "It's as safe as the saw without anything attached. Most people who've tried it say there's little or no kickback," says Heyland.
The Log Wizard sells for $169.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glen Enterprises, P.O. Box 310, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0 Canada (ph 403 627-4482 or 403 381-0574).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #6